Buckingham Lodge No. 591
Part of the community since 1851. Buckingham Lodge is the oldest Masonic Lodge in Buckinghamshire. We strive to continue being a relevant and respected charitable organisation helping worthy causes, focussed on our traditions of:
Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity
What is Freemasonry in Aylesbury?
Scan the QR code to help Buckingham Lodge support local and national charities, or please click
What do members say about Buckingham Lodge No. 591?
“At first I was concerned about being accepted and how I might fit in but it’s like everyone’s my best mate! “
“I have met so many good friends through Freemasonry.”
“Our Lodge has a really diverse membership”
“Freemasonry is a great escape from the pressures of a busy work and home life.”
“My wife very much looks forward to us both attending the social events together!”